Thursday, June 05, 2008

Do you read Poetry Magazine?

I've been trying to read it cover to cover, something I rarely do with journals, and it's not wow-ing me. What am I missing?


Blogger Glenn Ingersoll said...

I wrote this back in June 2007 when I sent a batch of poems to Poetry:

Back in 2004 I checked out from the library the 2003 issues of Poetry. There were a handful of decent poems but on the whole I decided if Poetry were poetry I would not read poetry. Many many poems were just bad. At the tail end of 2003 longtime editor Joseph Parisi gave over to Christian Wiman. It seemed to me the few issues I read with Wiman in charge were better than the Parisis. But surely he was working mainly with Parisi’s backlog. I haven’t read an issue of the magazine since.

As of June 2008 I still haven't read an issue of Wiman's Poetry cover to cover -- an occasional poem or essay, yes. What I've read hasn't struck me as adventurous ...

Wiman didn't go for anything I sent last summer. It doesn't look like they're only reading the previously unacceptable this summer. But at least you can submit your shit online. And it's kinda nice the whole magazine is readable online, even if it isn't worth reading.

6/30/2008 9:39 PM  

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