Some of the many ways to say it
Magpie's Bough Cheer = Ephemeris Cough Bag = Cheribum Sheep Agog = Impeach Bugger Hose = Arpeggio Scheme Hub = Mesh Bicep Roughage = George Bush Mice Hap = Beamish Eggcup Hero = High Gab Rescue Poem = Prague Becomes High = Georgia Beech Humps = Maggie's Heerb Pouch = Huger Biceps Homage = Magic Phoebe Gusher = Phobic Hermes Gauge = Hecuba Gehrig Poems = Escape Higher Gumbo = Ash Iceberg Hug Poem = Impeach George Bush = His Bugger Ache Poem =
thank you jack. I needed this. Happy easter and prophet's birthday (pbuh)
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