Saturday, August 11, 2007

CutBank Holds the New Record

I sent them poems on 9/16/05, received my rejection today 8/9/07--23 months.

If they could have held out another thirty days, well, then the record would be two years.


Blogger Lary Kleeman said...

Hey Jack, as a past CutBank co-editor (1993?), I've got to comment on this. Geez, count yourself lucky. When I co-edited it with Alyson Goldin, we had an editor (who will go unnamed)who stuffed submissions in his desk (I don't think he even read them). We stumbled upon this cache after our year of editorship was up and had to send some pretty lame letters to their "owners". Man, some things just don't change. Sorry about this.

8/13/2007 10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

23 months is a long time. i know of no animal with a 23 month gestation period.
i got a great rejection this week. (always on a monday) it was the form letter saying my work had been rejected with a handwritten note on the top that the editor liked my poems...then publish them!!!
i am at back-to-school inservice...gotta run.
take care

8/22/2007 10:46 AM  
Blogger Glenn Ingersoll said...

Records were made to be broken. Then glued back together.

8/25/2007 12:08 PM  

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