Saturday, April 01, 2006


Do you want to hear a few poems?

These links go directly to the mp3s at

"Looking into the Laugh"
(This poem first appeared in issue six of Arsenic Lobster.)

"The Secret Is Emu Oil and Aspirin"
(This poem first appeared in The Journal.)

"Elvis Impersonator"
(This poem appears online at Mudlark.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was superb to hear your voice, to listen to these poems. All are rich. The first one was especially poignant as tomorrow is the first anniversary of my father-in-law's death at age 62 from lymphoma.

I'm also pleased to know about the poet's coop!

When my husband asked what I was listening to, I paused the player and without thinking said, "Oh, it's a blogger I know who poets." He loved that. On reflection, I do too. Poetry as a verb intrigues me.

4/01/2006 9:54 PM  
Blogger LKD said...

Wow. It's really good to hear you, Jack. This will probably make no sense at all but you sound nothing like how I imagined you'd sound.

I enjoyed listening to all of the poems, but right now, Elvis Impersonator is the one that's sticking with me.

You doing Napowrimo?

4/01/2006 10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks kathryn and laurel.

It's weird to have my disembodied voice out there disembodied.

Thanks for listening.

Uh, Napowrimo? I'm trying to do my version of it. I'm keeping a folder, sticking a poem a day in it.

It's hard. Things are busy. But they always are.

More sooner or later.

4/03/2006 10:27 PM  
Blogger Glenn Ingersoll said...

I downloaded your poems and listened to them in my half-listening way. I'll play them again. They actually worked pretty well on the half-listen. Although I do note that you read in that I'm reading a poem sort of way. Maybe you could do one now & then in an I'm telling a joke sort of way. Poems and jokes are sort of similar.

I continue to add a line a day to the poem I started three weeks ago. It's a curious process but intriguing. The poem is thicker and chewier than it would have been otherwise. Not that I have much of a notion what it would be otherwise.

4/05/2006 2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Glenn, good advice.

Yeah, I'm still working on my stretched out across the days, a line or two at a time, poem.

Did you say chewy? Yeah, that's sort of how it feels.

Lauren's out of town. I'll post some more when she's back.


4/06/2006 9:38 PM  

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