Monday, February 06, 2006

Old News

What about foetry?

Should friends publish friends?

Yes? But not as part of a contest that charges a fee?

No? A poet's only friend should be the right words stringing from page to page?

Maybe? If it's good?


Blogger Glenn Ingersoll said...

Publishers of poetry make no money. Thus the only reason to do it is you fukn love it. Whatever you do out of love is OK. If that's publish your lover's poetry -- OK. If that lover's poetry is crappy? So what? Remember, even if that lover's poetry is the best thing since Whitman/Dickinson/Frost/Smith you, the publisher, are not going to make any money off it. If you're going to do the work you should at least get some satisfaction out of it.

If I suddenly start publishing poetry (&, god knows, I may) I will publish my poetry and poetry by people I like and poems I like by people I don't know.

Contests are bad for poetry. The reading fee kind of contest. I can imagine poetry party contests like who can write the fastest pantoum or who can fit Utah, elephant, and prestidigitation into the most convincing sestina ... or haiku ... with the reward being a bottle of cloudy sake. I say I can imagine poetry party contests being good for poetry. But otherwise? Nope.

2/07/2006 10:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Glenn.

Yeah, I think you're right.

And poetry party contests are a good idea. I wonder who is the fastest pantoum-er in the west.

2/07/2006 11:27 PM  

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