Tuesday, January 24, 2006

January Rejections

New England Review 10/10/05, rej 1/9/06
Barrow Street 12/19/05, rej 1/10/06
River Styx 6/25/05, rej 1/13/06
Alaska Quarterly Review 10/3/05, rej 1/13/06
Fence 1/3/06, not reading 1/17/06
Quick Fiction 1/5/06, rej 1/17/06
Pool 1/5/06, rej 1/17/06
Am Letters & Commentary- sent 12/23/05, rej 1/23/06
Harvard Review 12/19/05, rej 1/27/06
32 Poems 1/5/06, rej 1/27/06
Agni 11/22/05, rej 1/28/05
Smartish Pace 8/20/05, rej 1/29/06
Gulf Coast 1/5/06, rej 1/30/06
The Journal 10/3/05, rej 1/30/06

The average wait time for poems returned in January looks to be about 2.1 months.


Blogger LKD said...

First, thanks for posting this list, and the lists below. It's extremely helpful for someone like me who has not yet stepped up to bat and begun actively, persistently submitting my work to see the names of all these different journals that you aspire to publish your work in. It's humbling, really. It makes me wonder what the heck is wrong with me. Why don't I feel driven? Certainly, it takes some degree of drive and ambition and tenacity and belief in self and work in order to submit at this level, Jack. Additionally, the links are a sweet perk. It's helpful to be able to read some of these journals, and obstensibly, get some idea of what they're "looking for." The turnaround times are also helpful since I had no idea how swiftly or slowly the response time could be.

Do you also have a list of acceptances?

Were any of the rejections from the past year handwritten, or encouraging?

And, might you in some future post consider elaborating on your submission process? How much time do you put aside in a month to put together submissions and send them out, how do you decide where you'll submit, how many poems do you send to any one journal, etc?

And, when any given poem is rejected, do you do what Plath and Sexton did and send that puppy right back out to a new journal or do you work on the poem or put it to bed?

And if you don't feel like blogging about all my questions, maybe you'll drop me an email and gimme the lowdown? (laurelkdodge@hotmail.com)

I'm trying like hell to find the motivation to make this the year that I begin submitting my work. So far, I feel absolutely no inclination to actually follow through on that goal. But reading these lists almost kinda makes me think, hmmmmmmm, maybe I oughta just dive in.

1/25/2006 7:07 AM  

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