Tuesday, January 17, 2006



Blogger LKD said...

Good, good found poem. Have you been reading Annie Dillard?

The first read-through, I didn't realize that each line was a link. What an excellent means by which to acknowledge the orginal source.

Each line as a link reminds me of a poem I read , possibly by a famous poet, in which each word was a link to another poem. It was pretty damned incredible. Of course, I can't recall now who wrote it or where I read it. Grrrr.

What I was originally going to say, what I will now say in closing is: When I read this, I heard Instanbl, Not Constantinople in my head. Ever listen to They Might be Giants? This found poem strikes me as being the lyrics to a song they might sing.

1/18/2006 6:12 AM  
Blogger Lary Kleeman said...

Particulate. Articulate. Witty, fun, and well, something to think about! It's a jazz tune...keep blowin' man. Lary.

1/18/2006 5:56 PM  
Blogger LKD said...

Oh, thank god it's here. I don't have to try to recreate my big fat comment.


1/18/2006 9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks. And you were right. Comments were being moderated.

When I was in high school, the best teacher I had was a history teacher who put on a show for every lecture.

He was a one man circus.

George Heath.

He demonstrated to us that the word "Caesar" had slowly over time become the word "Kaiser" in Germany by saying the word "Caesar" really fast.

His performance of the way this word change would go something like this:

Keep in mind that he's saying the words really, really fast:

"Caesar, Caesar, Siezer, Kiezer, Kiezer, Kiezer, Kaezer, Kaizer, Kaizer" and then he would stop as if amazed and say, "Kaiser."

He did the same thing with many words which he said had changed over time and because of language and pronunciation variations.

The most amazing one, and I won't even try to reproduce it was when he would show us how the word "Constantinople" became "Istanbul."

I don't the song, but I do know the band. I'll check it out.


1/18/2006 10:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Lary.

Thanks for stopping by and reading this odd stuff.

Talk to you soon, Daddy-o, and I do mean, Daddy-o. Congrats again.


1/18/2006 10:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jack. Thought I'd try it.

THe link to the poem you so kindly posted doesn't work. Fence is now censored in the UAE. Did I tell you that? It was their last cover that did it.

1/26/2006 1:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, hi, Lisa.

I can bring it up at home, but I can't access Fence at work. I'm not sure what causes the filter to block it. Maybe that cover. Maybe the language, too many or too few transitive verbs of a particular ilk.

1/27/2006 8:40 AM  

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